Crystal Vision India's IoT based Water Resources Monitoring System is an ideal solution for real time data collection, validation and water accounting techniques. Using hi-tech field mounted water measuring devices like Rain Gauges, Level Transmitters, Open Channel Flowmeters, Radar Area Velocity Flowmeters, Acoustic Doppler Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Clamp On Type Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Insertion Type Flowmeters, Pipe Flowmeters integrated with smart data logger and Remote Telemetry units real time data is collected and transferred to cloud server over wireless RF or GRPS network. User friendly Cloud software provides customized data reports in excel and graphical formats. Local alarms, SMS and Mail alerts can be set exclusively to report normal and abnormal conditions in the supply network. If 'Water resources management' is your need....Then Crystal Vision is the right choice indeed!


Crystal Vision India offer Smart Distribution System for seamless handling of water transmission and distribution in the entire network. Here,Sump and OH tanks are provided with wireless Level Transmitters for continuous monitoring of water levels. Pump controller receives data sent by level transmitters and based on level and demand based automated pre-set supply cycle, overhead tanks are filled. Automated valve shuts off water supply when individual overhead tank is full and Pump is shut off when all tanks are full. Water main and sub-main connected to overhead reservoirs carry water to all intended places in the region.

Automated Distribution station makes the process fully automatic, unmanned and manages water supply smartly. Standard set consists of a Flowmeters with automated valve connected to Smart Controller which has wireless RF or GPRS connectivity with cloud server.

Sequential operation of valves help to maintain desired supply pressure at all locations and ensures distribution up to the last user in the grid, irrespective of location, level and altitude.

Operators and management team can monitor and control the system remotely over Internet through their own gadgets which helps in tracking losses and leakages quite easily.

Whereas Failsafe manual override and control feature is provided at each location to control abnormal conditions. The system generates SMS, mail alerts and eliminates frequent site visits. It also records and provides real time consumption data and customized reports making planning effortless.

If 'Water resources management' is your need....Then Crystal Vision is the right choice indeed!


Crystal Vision India's End-to-End Standalone Technology driven Water Management System handles entire supply cycle right from incoming water supply up to the last point of delivery, completely automatically.

Standard set consists of a set of Battery operated License free radio frequency wireless tank level transmitters, mains operated automated valves, Signal booster units and a Pump and valve controller unit.

Water filling cycle starts when water level in any of the overhead tanks goes below 50% and pump is triggered ON. Automated valve shuts off water supply when individual overhead tank is full and Pump is shut off when all tanks are 100% full.

Similarly water delivery from the overhead tanks is also controlled enabling 100% control over water consumption in the supply network. For abnormal circumstances there is always manual override option. Water Flowmeters fitted at desired locations provide real time consumption data, making water supply planning and implementation of water accounting techniques easy. System comes with customized cloud based monitoring and control feature. Using cloud computing platform, operators and management team can monitor and control the entire supply network remotely over internet through their own gadgets. SMS and mail alerts provide continuous update, eliminate physical presence and site visits for full time tracking.

Thus system avoids wastage, manual errors and helps reduce water management cost substantially. Offering complete value for money, Crystal Vision offers best quality field tested and market proven products backed by prompt after sales service with a very attractive payback period of 12 to 24 months. Today Crystal Vision’s Smart Water Automation systems are helping many leading IT, pharmaceutical, food and process industries, hospitals, commercial complexes, railway authorities and townships to exercise excellent control over cost of water management and usage.
If 'Establishing Water Discipline' Is Your Mission…Then Realize It Truly With Crystal Vision!
